Greenwich Wine SocietyGreenwich Wine Society


“Wines Appropriate for Summer”

Thursday, August 22nd

(5:00 – 7:00 PM)

To be held at the Veranda of
Frederick L. Baker III

292 Sound Beach Avenue,
Old Greenwich, CT (unit 1)

Back by popular demand... WineTasting on Fred Baker's Veranda.

When a similar event was held last year it was well-attended and enjoyed by all, so we’ve decided to go back to Fred's veranda on Sound Beach Avenue in Old Greenwich. We’ll be tasting wines that the Wall Street Journal has offered to their wine group members

Pre-registration required.

Forty-five Dollars Per Person – only $40 before Aug 15th
• (includes wine, hors d'oeuvres and commentary)
• limited # of attendees - early registration recommended

To Register:

Please make check payable to Greenwich Wine Society, LLC and
mail to: Greenwich Wine Society,
c/o D. Gamanos, 15 Division St,
Greenwich, CT 06830

Note: ample parking available on Sound Beach Avenue close to house

“Wine is bottled poetry”
- Robert Louis Stevenson